Prutz wastewater treatment plant: Stable wastewater treatment despite conversion
Donau Chemie Water Technology
The Prutz wastewater treatment plant is being expanded during ongoing operations in order to ensure reliable wastewater treatment for 28,000 PE even during the peak season.
Donau Chemie Water Technology

Who the hell is KARL? The revision of the Urban Waste Water Directive

What does the revised Urban Waste Water Directive mean? Innovations and possible solutions for wastewater treatment plants and wastewater treatment at a glance.
DI Alexander Jereb
Development Chemist
Donau Chemie Water Technology

Lendava wastewater treatment plant: a prime example of modern wastewater technology

Modern wastewater treatment technology and regional cooperation ensure clean water in Lendava. Find out more about the project!
Donau Chemie Water Technology

“Oil change” in the biogas plant

Erfahren Sie, wie Biogas Bruck aus Bioabfällen nachhaltiges Methan und Düngemittel produziert und wie unsere Produkte nachhaltige Energielösungen unterstützen!
Donau Carbon

International logistics in turmoil

Political unrest in the Gulf of Aden is leading to delivery delays and increased freight costs. This is also having an impact on international trade.
Donau Chemie Water Technology

Water Technology Kazincbarcika: Hungary strengthens its production base

The water technology plant in Hungary received a new reactor. This is how the replacement went!
Antal Braunecker
Director Donauchem Kft. water technology
Donau Chemie Water Technology

Wastewater treatment simply explained: the 4 purification stages

New measures and findings will require a fourth purification stage for wastewater treatment in many wastewater treatment plants in the future.
DI Alexander Jereb
Development Chemist